“Revelation and Christian Hope: Political Implications of the Revelation to John”(リンク)
The common assumptions about Revelation are spelled out in the introduction.以上簡単な紹介。
(1) Revelation’s visions are to be read as poetic symbolism rather than literal description or prediction; literalistic interpretation can lead to disastrous misinterpretation.
(2) The book’s symbolism must be understood through understanding its intertextual relation to Israel’s Scriptures.
(3) The book’s message is centered christologically on the symbolic depiction of Jesus as crucified and triumphant Lord.
(4) The book summons its readers to follow the pattern of Jesus through countercultural, suffering witness to the one God, rather than through acts of violence.
(5) In the theological world of the Apocalypse, there can be no separation of the spiritual and political spheres.
(6) The book points to the future hope of God’s triumphant justice and God’s healing of the created world-not its destruction.
Greg Carey、Lancaster Theological Seminaryによる書評をどうぞ。