
Tim Gombis's Reflection on the "Plight and Solution" Framing in the NP.

Since I put the post's title in English, I follow.
(If I have more time left, I'll wrap up in Japanese.)

First, the NP or NPP.

By now there are so many things to read about the issue(s) of the New Perspective, or rather Perspectives, on Paul.

Here in Japan, among the evangelical scholars or pastors, the NPP issues have not been given much attention until, say, a few years ago.

The tide, it seems, has finally turned.
The topic for the Spring Meeting of Japan Evangelical Theological Society Eastern Block, which will be held in Tokyo on June 16, 2014, is on NPP.

Alas, one of the presenters of the Meeting has warned the expected attendees from our N.T. Wright Reading Group that NPP has already become an old topic among top-notch Pauline scholars (in the West, mostly I think).

The dinner has been served and the feast is over; the early arriving guests are already full so they don't have much appetite for it anymore.

The late-comers like us in Japan, however, are not quite sure what the fuss is all about.
They want to know what they have missed in the Pauline scholarship in the last 20 to 30 years or so.

But, the scene has changed a bit by the arrival of NT Wright's magnum opus, Paul and the Faithfulness of God in 2013.

Fellow NT/Pauline scholars have been digging through the 1600 pages to see whether any new light will yet to be noticed.

The searching and finding something new is not so simple but some scholars like Tim Gombis are getting a fresh insight from reading Tom who has read Paul for about 50 plus years.

In N. T. Wright on Paul's "Plight" and More on "The Plight" from Wright, Tim's take (contra NPP critics) is how the soteriological framework is reframed--from the Older Perspective's (individualistic?) sin-salvation framework to the Newer Perspective's "plight-solution" framework in a cosmic scale.

(I might add that the aforementioned presenter cautions us that NTW doesn't much care about how his Pauline interpretation is labeled as New or not.)
(I might also add that I found somewhere NTW saying "there are, to count, 17 or so new perspectives on Paul.)

NPP may be an old topic but you can take it afresh by reading NTW's PFG as Tim Gombis suggests, I think.


