それでも「Paul within Judaism」に関心のある方には少しは便利な記事になるのではないかと思って。
彼女が「Bible Odyssey」に「
パウロとユダヤ教 (Paul and Judaism)」を書いている。
The point is this: a Law-free Gentile mission gives us no reason in
itself to assume that Paul himself was also Law-free. His teaching
Gentiles that they did not have to live according to the Law tells us
nothing about his own level of observance. And, as we have seen, the
Gentile mission was not exactly Law-free either....
But in his own generation—which Paul was convinced was history’s last
generation—the Jesus movement was yet one more variety of late Second
Temple Judaism.
Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel, and Ethics in Paul's Letter)
ライトがいるセント・アンドリュース大学の研究会議でガラテヤ書が取り上げられたときの論文集である、 その
Second, Matthew V. Novenson’s essay centers on the appropriate meaning
of Paul’s use of Ιουδαϊσμος in Galatians 1:13-14. Seizing upon the work
of Steve Mason (who himself proposed a revision of the term) Novenson
concludes that the verbal form ιουδαϊζω, means to ‘act like a Jew’,
which was only something that non-Jews could do (Mason’s
point). ... But Novenson, while
agreeing with Mason concerning the verb ιουδαϊζειν, contends that the
noun ιουδαϊσμος is actually something that Jews would do. This
certainly accounts for Paul’s use of the noun in Gal.1:13, where
Gentiles are not in the context. Paul’s usage also agrees with the use
of ιουδαϊσμος in 2 Maccabees, where the term refers to ‘the cause
championed by Judah Maccabee’ (32). For Novenson then, the
verb ιουδαϊζειν refers to non-Jews who adopt Jewish rituals, whereas the
noun ιουδαϊσμος refers to Jews who promote the adoption of Jewish
customs and rituals. The important point to note is that not all Jews
practice ιουδαϊσμος, as this term refers to a certain cause or political
movement that arose in the Maccabean era. A better gloss for ιουδαϊσμος
is not ‘Judaism’ but ‘the judaization movement’ (36). Novenson’s
observations, along with the many other studies on this issue, will
challenge any overly simplistic and monolithic reading of ‘Judaism’ as
we understand the term.(色による強調は筆者)
(3)『ユダヤ教徒としてのパウロ(Paul within Judaism)』
Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, eds. Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle
In other words, Paul was an adherent to Judaism and remained so even after he came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Thus, Paul’s endeavor in advancing the “cause of Christ” (Phil 1:13) should be thought of “as a new Jewish “sect” or “coalition” or “reform movement” (10), not as a conversion to a new religion.
In my book, I argue that the rare word Ἰουδαϊσμός–which is often translated “Judaism” in our Bibles (Gal 1:13-14)–doesn’t mean “Judaism” in the modern sense of a system of religious thought. Rather, it should be understood in a vocational sense:
☆ ☆ ☆
以上いくつか「“回心後”もユダヤ教徒として生きたパウロ(Paul within Judaism)」と云う視点を紹介してきましたが、そんな風に考えてみるとやはり翻訳と言うのはニュアンスに左右されるものだなと思います。
イスラエル・バイブル・センター》のリゾーキン-アイゼンバーグ博士(Dr. Lizorkin-Eyzenberg)の『
パウロは回心したのかそれとも召命を受けたのか(Was Paul Converted or Called?)』を紹介してみたいと思います。
As you can surely anticipate, I will seek to convince you that Paul (Paulos) was not converted from Judaism to Christianity. Instead, Paulos
as he called himself in his own surviving writings, was called to the
service of Israel’s God as were many other Israelite prophets. Before he
personally encountered Yeshua/Jesus on road to Damascus, he was a
pharisaic Jew. After that earth-shaking encounter, however, something
dramatic had happened. He became an apocalyptic and Christ-following pharisaic Jew.
For you have heard of my former manner of life in Judaism, how I used to persecute the ekklesia[6] of
God beyond measure and tried to destroy it; and I was advancing in
Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more
extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions. (Gal. 1:13-14 NASB 強調はリゾーキン-アイゼンバーグ博士)
この訳では今一つはっきりしませんが、要するにパウロが“以前”のこととして振り返っているのは(キリスト教徒になる前)「ユダヤ教徒であった(within Judaism)とき」というようなニュアンスではなく、当時「ユダヤ教徒であることを前面に出すような(過激な)行動を取っていたとき」というニュアンスだ、というもののようです。
In the above quoted text, the choices are not between Judaism and
Christianity, i.e. the former way of Judaism vs. the newer way of
Christianity, but it is rather a comparison between Paul’s former ways and his newfound ways, i.e. Christ-centered and apocalyptic Judaism.[7]
ユダヤ人に対してはユダヤ人として(A Jew to the Jews)』を「良さそうな本だなー」として言及しておきます。
[2018/8/15 追記]
このブログでは既にお馴染みのアンドリュー・ペリマンが、(3)『ユダヤ教徒としてのパウロ(Paul within Judaism)』
Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, eds. Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle
の出版を受けて、自らの「(新約聖書の)歴史的ナラティブ解釈枠」の視点からは「ユダヤ教徒としてのパウロ(Paul within Judaism)」はどのように受け止められるか、と云う