課題論文、Apocalypse Now?の後半部分を簡単にガイドします。
《Apocalypse and apocalypticism》
かなり一般化した表現ですので、ここだけ一読すると「オウム真理教」を連想するかもしれません。the worldview in which certain people come to believe that their group is set apart from the rest of humanity, that it is righteous and all others are sinners, and, more particularly, that an event will soon occur which will sort things out once and for all.
William Dalrymple’s spectacular From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium (London: HarperCollins, 1997)が挙げられています。
ライトは《聖書言語としてのApocalypse》 と《アポカリプティシズム》を次のように交通整理して、問題解決の方向を探ります。
この中でのキーワードである「heaven/earth duality」を次に解説します。Apocalyptic language, using cosmic language to invest historical events with their full significance, draws together the heavenly world and the earthly world;“apocalypticism” forces them apart.Apocalyptic language exploits the heaven/earth duality in order to draw attention to the heavenly significance of earthly events;apocalypticism exploits apocalyptic language to express a non-biblical dualism in which the heavenly world is good and the earthly bad.
《Heaven and Earth》
区別①・・・天と地は、two placesではなく、two different dimensions of the total reality of the world.
《Christian Future Hope》
《The Present Challenge to Future Hope》
The question must be:
how can we read apocalyptic language without collapsing into apocalypticism?
How can we respond to the heavenly dimension of the world without lapsing into an anti-earth attitude? And, faced with the Millennium,
how can we co-operate with what God intends to do in our world, producing earthly events with heavenly meanings?
And how can we in our turn describe what God may be doing in our world, in such a way as to invest earthly events with their heavenly significance?
How, in other words, can we do for our own day what the apocalyptic writers were trying to do for theirs?
Only poetry, art and music can begin to do justice to such things; the flat one-dimensional language of ordinary post-Enlightenment analysis into economic or political forces will remain earthbound.現代の文化は千年紀の切り替えとともに「ポストモダン」に突入するかのようである。
問合せ・連絡:(小嶋崇)t.t.koji*gmail.com (*を@に変換してください。)
N.T.ライト読書会主宰 小嶋 崇
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