今回のテキスト、Stephen Kuhrt, Tom Wright for Everyone (2011, SPCK)へ、ライトが書いた「序文(Foreword)」(2ページ)のほぼ半分を段落毎に声に出して読み、それからちょっとしたコメントやら意見交換しながら進みました。
But here comes the next wrinkle. 'Going to heaven' isn't really good enough as a description of the Christian hope. Here Stephen Kuhrt has rightly grasped the vision I outline in my big book The Resurrection of the Son of God and the more popular Surprised by Hope. 'New heavens and new earth' is what we are promised - and God has already launched that project with Jesus. God's kingdom isn't 'from' this world, but it is certainly for this world. Our ultimate hope is to be raised from the dead to share in the running of God's new creation. And all that we do by way of Christian, Spirit-led work in the present is a genuine foretaste of that. When we work for the poor, or for victims of a disaster, or whatever, we are not oiling the wheels of a machine that will then drive over a cliff. We are not 'building the kingdom' by our own efforts. Only God does that. But we are building for the kingdom. And that has to be done, as Stephen and his colleagues are attempting to do, in very practical ways at the local level.
(1) theological scholarship as a kind of scaffolding
(2) (ライトの) historical as well as theological conscience
「歴史家」として、同時に「信仰者(神学者)」として、イエスに対するアプローチが二つに分裂してしまうことが耐え難い・・・そういう「良心の重荷」みたいなことを吐露している部分です。What was driving me in this was my historical as well as my theological conscience. I couldn't deny the faith I have always held about who Jesus was and is - God's own son, come to rescue the world and launch God's kingdom - without becoming a different person altogether.... But nor could I deny, as an ancient historian, that it was important to be able to say with conviction that Jesus really did and said what the Gospels say he did and said.
読んでいて、ついルターの「傷んだ良心」 を連想し、さらに北米において「(新)福音主義運動」の指導者であったカールF・H・ヘンリーの、
The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism(1947年)
スティーブン・カートのこの本、「ライトの神学」を一地方教会のミニストリーに模範的に受肉させるような取り組みとの評価ですが、確かにChrist Church New Malden のウェブサイトをご覧になるといろいろ面白い(大胆な)取り組みが見られますね。
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