『Salvation By Allegiance Alone』はこの問題のうち「信仰(ピスティス)」に焦点を当てています。
そんな問題提起をするのが『Salvation By Allegiance Alone』です。
そうしたら、ある方が、「この本に通じるのでしょうか」と言及したのが『Salvation By Allegiance Alone』でした。
This family, uniquely among families ......, bore only one distinguishing mark, and that was πίστις, faith. ‘Justification by faith’ was not, for Paul, a doctrine about how people could ‘find a gracious god’ without moralism. Nor does it speak merely, as the Romantic movement has encouraged some Protestants to speak, of the difference between outward and inward religion (a difference well enough known to first century Jews in any case). Nor is ‘justification by faith’ to be equated with ‘the gospel’ itself; it is, rather, its direct corollary. ‘The gospel’ is the announcement of the kingship of Jesus; ‘justification by faith’ reminds those who, abandoning their varied idolatries, have given their allegiance to Jesus that this very allegiance is the only distinguishing mark by which the renewed and united family of Abraham is to be known. All other possible distinguishing marks undermine the gospel itself, implying that the crucified and risen Jesus is not after all the one true king. Allegiance and loyalty to Jesus, ‘faith’ in this full and rich sense, is not the gospel itself; it is what the gospel is designed to produce and by the power of the spirit, does produce.For this is where Galatians has its equivalent of the statement in Romans that the gospel is ‘the power of God for salvation to all who believe’ (Rom. 1.16). When the message of King Jesus was announced it brought forth faith, and the only explanation of this is that the spirit works as and when the message is proclaimed. That, at least, is how I believe Gal. 3.2-5 should be read, not least in light of 1 Thess. 1.4-10 and 2.13. The royal proclamation is not simply the conveying of true information about the kingship of Jesus; it is the putting into effect of that kingship, the decisive and authoritative summoning to allegiance. That is why it challenges the powers. That is why to retain, or to embrace, symbols and praxis which speak of other loyalties and other allegiances is to imply that other powers are still being invoked. And that is to deny, ‘the truth of the gospel’.
というわけで、『Salvation By Allegiance Alone』の著者マシュー・ベイツもライト(そしてスコット・マクナイト)の影響を大いに受けていることを話していますが、このライン(福音=「イエスを王と宣言すること」、信仰=「この王に従うこと」)をさらに洗練し、先鋭化していることがうかがわれます。
今後は以下にリストアップした「書評」や「インタヴュー」を紹介しながら『Salvation By Allegiance Alone』に迫ってみたいと思います。
チャド・ソーンヒル(Chad Thornhill)の書評、
Salvation by Grace through Faith… But What Is Faith
Faith as Allegiance
What Allegiance (Faith) is Not
The Gospel of Allegiance
Three Elements of Faith
Is Salvation by Allegiance a Kind of Works?
Is Faith-as-Allegiance Yet Another Instance of the Law of Moses?
So How Much Allegiance is Required?
When the Gospel includes New Creation
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (1): a review on the basis of the Introduction alone
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (2): Paul’s gospel and the sweeping plains of history
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (3): pre-existence and the gospel of Jesus
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (4): the best bit so far
Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 1)
Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 2)
Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 3)
Faith as Allegiance
What Allegiance (Faith) is Not
The Gospel of Allegiance
Three Elements of Faith
Is Salvation by Allegiance a Kind of Works?
Is Faith-as-Allegiance Yet Another Instance of the Law of Moses?
So How Much Allegiance is Required?
When the Gospel includes New Creation
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (1): a review on the basis of the Introduction alone
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (2): Paul’s gospel and the sweeping plains of history
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (3): pre-existence and the gospel of Jesus
Salvation By Allegiance Alone (4): the best bit so far
Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 1)
Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 2)
Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 3)
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