
Salvation By Allegiance Alone 3


前回はチャド・ソーンヒル(Chad Thornhill)の書評、
Salvation by Grace through Faith… But What Is Faith






 Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 1)
 Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 2)
 Salvation by Allegiance Alone – Interview with Matt Bates (Part 3)







So we have made the gospel contain three items: “our faith,” “our justification,” and “faith in Jesus’s death for us.” My contention is that the gospel proper only includes the last item, Jesus’s death for our sins, but even then this is only a small part of the gospel and not the central target of “faith.” Saving faith is better understood as allegiance to Jesus the atoning king. The emphasis in Scripture is on loyalty to him as Messiah-king as that which forges the saving union.
The biblical witness can perhaps best be understood by juxtaposing it alongside classic Protestant and Catholic treatments. In the book, in light of the biblical evidence, I discuss some limitations to imputed righteousness (the dominant Protestant model) while still accepting it if union is explicitly foregrounded. Meanwhile, I reject Catholic imparted righteousness yet accept infused righteousness, if properly qualified. Chapter 8 in the book has the rationale and details. However, in the end I think it best for the church to prioritize new language that better reflects Scripture’s own emphases: in-the-Christ righteousness or incorporated righteousness. I am not sure who has suggested incorporated righteousness, but, wow, it’s brilliant.
I also show that “justification” was not considered by Paul to be a “step” in a person’s order of salvation. The Reformed tradition has been deeply invested in trying to systematize the true order by which salvation comes to be applied to an individual—the ordo salutis. A traditional version of the Reformed ordo salutis begins with God’s unsearchable decree to save and to damn specific individuals, and then proceeds to speak about how God comes to apply salvation to those individuals that have been elected through calling, regeneration, repentance/faith, justification, sanctification, and then, finally, glorification. It is important for the Reformed scheme that God is the primary actor in each step of the ordo salutis, otherwise human works contaminate the process. Then humans would have a “boast” before God. The problem is, I contend, that the Bible nowhere articulates an individualized ordo salutis, nor can “justification” be considered a step or stage in the order.
特には挙げませんでしたが、リチャード・ヘイズの『イエス・キリストの信仰』 やN.T.ライトの見解なども俎上に上げて持論を展開していて「どの辺りのニュアンス」を狙っているのかある程度分かる内容になっています。


ベイツは「キリスト者の義」として『 in-the-Christ righteousness or incorporated righteousness』を採用すると言っていますが、(用語も含めて)同種の主張をするインタヴュアーのマイク・バードの問題設定と解決方法を見ると(ここ)、(議論の)土俵は依然として「聖書の言及箇所(アイデア)」に限定されている印象です。




[『Salvation By Allegiance Alone』書評ブログ記事のリストへの追加]

パトリック・シュライナー『The V-Shaped Gospel』、『Salvation by Allegiance Alone? Part 2

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