





キーワード: actors, eschatology, the eschatological drama, the Temple, the new exodus, YHWH return, vocation
Jesus believed it was his vocation to bring Israel's history to its climax. Paul believed that Jesus had succeeded in that aim. Paul believed, in consequence of that belief and as part of his own special vocation, that he was himself now called to announce to the whole world that Israel's history had been brought to its climax in that way. When Paul announced `the gospel' to the Gentile world, therefore, he was deliberately and consciously implementing the achievement of Jesus. He was, as he himself said, building on the foundation, not laying another one (1 Corinthians 3:11). He was not `founding a separate religion'. He was not inventing a new ethical system. He was calling the world to allegiance to its rightful Lord. A new mystery religion, focused on a mythical `lord', would not have threatened anyone in the Greek or Roman world. `Another king', the human Jesus whose claims cut directly across those of Caesar, did.

Jesus was bringing Israel's history to its climax; Paul was living in the light of that climax. Jesus was narrowly focused on the sharp-edged, single task; Paul was celebrating the success of that task, and discovering its fruits in a thousand different ways and settings. Jesus believed he had to go the incredibly risky route of acting and speaking in such a way as to imply that he was embodying the judging and saving action of YHWH himself; Paul wrote of Jesus in such a way as to claim that Jesus was indeed the embodiment of the one God of Jewish monotheism.


※キリスト論についての歴史的アプローチとしては、原始キリスト教史におけるイエス・キリスト崇拝の実際的表現を証拠としてアプローチするラリー・フルタド教授のLord Jesus Christのようなものと(史的イエス探求に懐疑的なカトリックの岩島神父はこちらのアプローチを高く買っている。参照、史的イエスと史的キリスト?)、ライトのように福音書からそのまま再構成するアプローチがあるように思う。リチャード・ボウカムもキリスト論についてのまとまった論考を準備しているらしいが、恐らくYHWH's unique identityの中にイエスが組み入れられる、というラインで追跡しているだろうと思う。

1 件のコメント:

  1. ついさっきアップされたスコット・マクナイトのPFGレヴューでも、この記事で捉えられている「イエス→パウロ」の繋がり(インテグレーション)、Paul's implementaion of Jesus' achievement, はくっきりと出ている。(以下、マクナイトのPFGからの引用)

    He was both thinker and doer, regarding his thinking as itself a form of worship, and his doing, too, as a sacrificial offering through which to implement the already-accomplished achievement of the Messiah. He was an integrated whole: razor-sharp mind and passionate heart working together (1475-6).

