このポイントは「義認」をオルド・サリューティス(救いの順序)で概観する時に改革派や他の神学に対してライトが取る極めてユニークな立場だと思います。(以下は4. Solo Spiritu第3パラグラフから引用)
Paul’s view seems to be that when the evangelist announces the ‘word’, God the Spirit works through that proclamation to bring people to faith. Paul has a very precise technical term which he uses to denote this moment, and it is not of course ‘justification’, but ‘call’. ‘Those he called, them he also justified.’これは福音を宣証する時の説教者の心得として大事なポイントかと思います。(以下は4. Solo Spiritu第4パラグラフ最後の部分から引用)
Those of us who have believed the gospel from our earliest memories should not forget what an extraordinary privilege that is. And those who preach the gospel should never forget that for it to have any effect it must be driven by and accompanied with the powerful work of the Holy Spirit.これはカルヴィン派の人たちと北米福音主義神学会時のかなりスペシフィックな論争点でした。ライトは「将来の終末」時における義認も含まれると言う立場ですね。(以下は4. Solo Spiritu第5パラグラフから引用)
Paul’s exposition of this in various passages leads directly to the statement of something he says again and again but which is routinely ignored when the eschatological framework of his doctrine of justification is forgotten: that on the last day the final judgment will be made on the evidence of the complete life that someone has led.ライトの解釈は「終わりの日の義認の宣言」が前倒しで「信仰を持って聞いた時」に宣告されると言う解釈だと思います。それを基礎付けるのがキリストの死による贖いのわざであり、それを「終わりの日の義認の宣言」まで完成させる聖霊のわざだ、と言うことだと思います。(以下は5. Sola Fideの第2パラグラフから引用)
It takes all of the rest of Romans 8 to explain that, of course, but we should be in no doubt that Paul connects in the most intimate way possible the final verdict ‘not condemned’ with the continuing work of the Spirit, and roots that work in the death of Jesus through which sin was condemned and the verdict ‘righteous’ which was already issued as soon as the gospel had produced faith.これはご覧のように挿入的なコメントですが、義認に関し信仰の対象が何かを厳密に規定しようとしているものではないかと思います。(以下は5. Sola Fideの3パラグラフから引用)
(We are not justified by faith by believing in justification by faith, but by believing in Jesus; that being so, when we believe in justification by faith what we get is not justification itself, but assurance; and it also follows that those who believe in Jesus but do not believe in justification by faith are nevertheless justified by faith without knowing it.)(以下は5. Sola Fideの第4パラグラフ終わりの方から引用)
But now the Messiah has been faithful, as the representative Israelite, so that God’s own covenant faithfulness would be unveiled in action in his ‘obedience unto death, even the death of the cross’. And since the covenant purpose, to deal with sin and to launch new creation, has thus been spectacularly accomplished in his work, justification in the present must be by faith alone, not by works of the Jewish Law, partly because all human beings have fallen short of God’s glory, and partly because if it were by the Law only Jews would qualify.最後になりましたが、二つほどご案内があります。
13:10 - 14:30 イントロから、3. The Glory of Godの終わりまで
14:30 - 14:40 休憩(本の展示販売) 14:40 - 15:50 4. Solo Spiritu、から終わりまで
(B)河野克也・東方敬信、共訳、リチャード・B・ヘイズ「新約聖書のモラル・ヴィジョン」 1,890円のところ1,600円でお分けしてくださいます。