



Acts 1:9-10のコメンタリー(Acts For Everyone)のようです。
In the Bible, heaven and earth are the two halves of God’s created world. ... Talking about ‘heaven and earth’ is a way, in the Bible, of talking about the fact, as many people and many cultures have perceived it to be, that everything in our world (call it ‘earth’ for the sake of argument, though that can be confusing because that is also the name we give to our particular planet within our particular solar system, whereas ‘earth’ in the Bible really means the entire cosmos of space, time and matter) has another dimension, another sort of reality, that goes with it as well.
You could call this other reality, this other dimension, the ‘inner’ reality, if you like, thinking perhaps of a golf ball which has an outer reality (the hard, mottled surface) and an inner reality (the tightly-packed, springy interior). But you could just as easily think of earth as the ‘inner’ reality, the dense material of the world where we live at the moment, and ‘heaven’ as the outer reality, the ‘side’ of our reality that is open to all kinds of other things, to meanings and possibilities which our ‘inner’ reality, our busy little world of space, time and matter sometimes seem to exclude.
If these illustrations don’t help, leave them to one side and concentrate on the reality. The reality is this: ‘heaven’ in the Bible is God’s space, and ‘earth’ is our space. ‘Heaven’isn’t just ‘the happy place where God’s people go when they die’, and it certainly isn’t our ‘home’ if by that you mean (as some Christians, sadly, have meant) that our eventual destiny is to leave ‘earth’ altogether and go to ‘heaven’ instead. God’s plan, as we see again and again in the Bible, is for ‘new heavens and new earth’, and for them to be joined together in that renewal once and for all. ‘Heaven’ may well be our temporary home, after this present life, but the whole new world, united and transformed, is our eventual destination.
これは今N.T.ライトFB読書会で読んでいる、Surprised By Hopeで繰り返し強調されているポイントです。



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