第五に、イエスの昇天を通して、地におけるイエスの遍在が可能となった。天と地は全く同じ種類の空間ではない。地にいる限り、イエスはある特定の場所にしか 存在することははできなかっただろう。しかし、天は地に十分に浸透している。天にいるからこそ、イエスは地のあらゆる場所にいることが可能となった。イエ スは王として天の王座につき、そこから全地を導いているのだ(脚注31)。
※脚注31とは、ライトの2011年刊、Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He was, What He did, and Why He Matters、の191-2ページ(ペーパーバック版、ハードカバー版は、195-6ページ)。この「イエスの遍在」ということについて、当日のセミナーで、フロアーから質問があった。
イエスの昇天によってイエスの肉体は現在遍在するのか。このような書き方だとイエスは肉体を持ったまま天に着座した、と読めるのですが・・・。これに対して鎌野氏は(質問者は聖餐におけるイエスの臨在のことにも言及されたので)聖餐におけるイエスの臨在に関する理解が「象徴説」から、よりルター的 な、あるいはよりカトリック的な理解に近づきつつある、としながら「イエスの遍在」に関しては「遍在」が可能になったのだけれども、それは「汎神論」的な意味での「遍在」のあり方とは違う。
The big thing to get across now, I think, is that the question ‘who then are the true family of Abraham’ and ‘how do I get my sins forgiven’ are not ultimately different questions. God called Abraham to undo the sin of Adam, so that to belong to Abraham’s family (Rom 4, Gal 3) is to be part of the family whose sins have been dealt with on the cross. Splitting these two themes apart, I now see in my old age, is the direct result of several false antitheses that have bedeviled western theology for long enough.
The common assumptions about Revelation are spelled out in the introduction.以上簡単な紹介。
(1) Revelation’s visions are to be read as poetic symbolism rather than literal description or prediction; literalistic interpretation can lead to disastrous misinterpretation.
(2) The book’s symbolism must be understood through understanding its intertextual relation to Israel’s Scriptures.
(3) The book’s message is centered christologically on the symbolic depiction of Jesus as crucified and triumphant Lord.
(4) The book summons its readers to follow the pattern of Jesus through countercultural, suffering witness to the one God, rather than through acts of violence.
(5) In the theological world of the Apocalypse, there can be no separation of the spiritual and political spheres.
(6) The book points to the future hope of God’s triumphant justice and God’s healing of the created world-not its destruction.
the church has often simply not noticed that you can affirm the Trinity, the incarnation, the atonement, the resurrection, the call to bodily holiness, and still work within a narrative which colludes with Gnosticism. That is precisely what happens when orthodox Christians think, speak, pray and live as though the main aim of the game were simply to ‘go to heaven when you die’, embracing a private, detached spirituality in the present and a world-denying and escapist eschatology in the future. We can criticize the second-century Gnostics for their redefinition of the word ‘resurrection’ so as to mean, not a new bodily life after a time of being bodily dead,but a spiritual life in the present and hereafter; but this position is, worryingly, held just as much by those post-Enlightenment pietists and evangelicals whose major and overriding concern was to stress ‘heaven’ as the Christian’s true home, and who used the word ‘resurrection’ as a metaphor for going to that home at last.とあるように二世紀のグノーシス主義が、啓蒙主義の影響下で、正統主義・福音主義を標榜する敬虔なキリスト者のあいだでも、同様に復活しているではないか、と指摘していますね。
N.T.WrightのEarly Traditions and the Origins of Christianity翻訳初稿を編集中。長い文章を分解し、句読点を上手く使って読み易くして、とNTライト読書会メンバーからアドヴァイスを受けて・・・。
— Takashi Kojima/小嶋崇 (@SugamoSeisen) August 3, 2010
ブログ更新。先日の「N・T・ライト読書会」報告 ライトの聖書観、東方教会、レクシオ・ディビナ、スモール・グループ形成、等についての談論について。少しまとまりませんが。http://bit.ly/cIzY8l
— Takashi Kojima/小嶋崇 (@SugamoSeisen) October 11, 2010
— Takashi Kojima/小嶋崇 (@SugamoSeisen) March 28, 2011
— Takashi Kojima/小嶋崇 (@SugamoSeisen) July 22, 2011
— Takashi Kojima/小嶋崇 (@SugamoSeisen) July 23, 2011
十字架の意味を考えながら、グットフライデーの礼拝へ向かいます。 N.T.ライトの歴史的アプローチ http://t.co/ZMkX0OI5
— Yoshinosuke Nakao (@sanzarudad) April 6, 2012
これも未邦訳ですが、マーカス・ボーグの議論とそれに対するN・T・ライトの批判も「イエスと政治」をめぐる議論としては重要。Cf. Conflict, Holiness and Politics in the Teachings of Jesus, rev. ed. 1998. 深谷
— 新教出版社 (@shinkyoshuppan) February 22, 2013
— くめしゃん (@salao0831) July 28, 2013
The taxi driver looked back at me in his mirror. His face was a mixture of amusement and sympathy. We were stuck in traffic and he’d asked me, as they do, what I did for a living.まっ少し相違はありますが・・・。
‘Ah,’ he said, ‘you Church of England people’ (having told me he was a Roman Catholic himself). ‘You’re still having all that trouble about women bishops, aren’t you?’
I had to admit that that was indeed the case.
‘The way I look at it,’ he said, ‘is this: if God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, all the rest is basically rock’n’roll.’
St Paul put the same point negatively: ‘if Christ is not raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins.’ But the positive point is this: if Christ has been raised, then all the rest is, well, sorted out. It’s basically just rock’n’roll. God has won the decisive victory over the forces of darkness, and he will win the final victory that results. Everything else can in principle be worked out.つまり「イエスの復活」は勝利宣言みたいなもんで、それを受けて「お祭り状態」みたいになっちゃった。
People believe they go to heaven when they die.のような表現で説明される。
Heaven is a place people go to when they die.
Life After "life after death"である。
Heaven, therefore, is not an eternal realm, far, far away from earth.(※まっちょっとディクテーションは完璧ではないかもしれません。あしからず。)
Heaven is a spacial created realm, very very close to earth, created to be alongside earth.
In the Bible, heaven and earth are the two halves of God’s created world. ... Talking about ‘heaven and earth’ is a way, in the Bible, of talking about the fact, as many people and many cultures have perceived it to be, that everything in our world (call it ‘earth’ for the sake of argument, though that can be confusing because that is also the name we give to our particular planet within our particular solar system, whereas ‘earth’ in the Bible really means the entire cosmos of space, time and matter) has another dimension, another sort of reality, that goes with it as well.ちょっと()の中の挿入ですが、こう言う風に私たちの住む惑星「地」球と、全被造物における物質的世界に区別して考えるのも興味深いです。
You could call this other reality, this other dimension, the ‘inner’ reality, if you like, thinking perhaps of a golf ball which has an outer reality (the hard, mottled surface) and an inner reality (the tightly-packed, springy interior). But you could just as easily think of earth as the ‘inner’ reality, the dense material of the world where we live at the moment, and ‘heaven’ as the outer reality, the ‘side’ of our reality that is open to all kinds of other things, to meanings and possibilities which our ‘inner’ reality, our busy little world of space, time and matter sometimes seem to exclude.ここではゴルフボールと言う球体をイメージしながら、「中身」と「外殻」とで一つであるようなものが天と地なのだ、と説明しています。
If these illustrations don’t help, leave them to one side and concentrate on the reality. The reality is this: ‘heaven’ in the Bible is God’s space, and ‘earth’ is our space. ‘Heaven’isn’t just ‘the happy place where God’s people go when they die’, and it certainly isn’t our ‘home’ if by that you mean (as some Christians, sadly, have meant) that our eventual destiny is to leave ‘earth’ altogether and go to ‘heaven’ instead. God’s plan, as we see again and again in the Bible, is for ‘new heavens and new earth’, and for them to be joined together in that renewal once and for all. ‘Heaven’ may well be our temporary home, after this present life, but the whole new world, united and transformed, is our eventual destination.これは今N.T.ライトFB読書会で読んでいる、Surprised By Hopeで繰り返し強調されているポイントです。
The first thing which stood out during his visit was his great intellect. This is a man who will quote Shakespeare alongside the Bible, in German, Greek and English, in a single breath.と言っていますが、小嶋には最近ライト教授大分シャープさが落ちてきた(なーんて言うと語弊があるから)、角が取れてきた感じですが、依然としてその知性で人々を圧倒する部分はあるようです。
-Justification is not Paul’s primary concern in Romans and Galatians, says Wright. He argues Romans is primarily concerned with the gospel as expressed in Chapter 1:2-4 ( ‘…the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.’). Justification is a necessary implication of the gospel, but not the gospel itself. The gospel according to Paul (according to Wright) is Jesus as the crucified and risen Lord. Justification is the outworking of the gospel which gives those who believe assurance.(下線は小嶋)今年のN.T.ライト読書会ではやはり「信仰義認」に関する論文を読みましたが(報告はここ)、論文が書かれた当時(2005年)はライト教授は長老派(カルヴィン系)からの猛攻撃(?)を受けていたのか、余裕も感じさせましたが、かなり重装備で臨んだ講演でした。
「復活(アナスタシス)」という言葉が、古代地中海世界の人々、*********************特にユダヤ人にとってどういう意味があったのかということが簡潔 に述べられています。
「誰々さんが復活した」というのは「誰々さんが天国に行った」という意味ではない、ということです。古代の人々は、人が死ぬと霊 魂のような存在として生き続けると概して信じていたようですが、 体から抜け出た霊魂の状態になることを指して、それを「復活」と 呼ぶことは決してなかったのだと。
また、「復活」とは「神になること」という意味でもなかった、ということも大切です。徳川家康が東照大権現になる、というような 現象をさして「復活」という言葉が用いられることもなかった訳で す。ですからイエスが天の国に行って、そこで神になったと信じら れたとしても、それを指して「復活」という言葉が使われることも 決して無かった筈です。
ユダヤ人は、サドカイ派のような人々を除けば、たいていは体を持った甦りとしての「復活」を信じていました。しかしその復活とは 、「世の終わりに皆が一斉に復活する」という集団的復活(復活す るのは義人だけの場合と、義人とそれ以外の全ての人を含む場合、 というような見解の相違はありましたが)のことでした。誰かが世 の終わりの前に、一人だけ復活するなどという期待や思想は、どこ を探しても見られませんでした。またイエスも、そのような特殊な 復活があると生前教えた形跡もありません。イエスは弟子たちの「 復活」についての因習的理解を変革しようとはしていなかったので す。
そういう訳で、イエスが十字架に架かった時に、「イエスは死んでもすぐ復活するから大丈夫だ」などと考えた弟子は誰もいなかった のです。もちろん彼らもイエスの復活そのものを否定した訳では無 かったでしょう。しかし、それが起きるのは「世の終わり」、皆が 一斉に復活する時であって、三日の後だなどとは誰も考えませんで した。そのため、イエスが十字架で死んだ時、弟子たちの希望(つ まり神の王国の実現)はまさに打ち砕かれたのです。もう終わりだ と、誰もが理解したことでしょう
But I have also been expounding my own version of the so-called New Perspective on Paul, in which I have been equally critical, without naming them, of Ed Sanders and many of his followers on the one hand and my critics such as Guy Waters and many of his readers on the other.
The big story is about the creator’s plan for the world. This plan always envisaged humans being God’s agents in that plan. Humans sin; that’s their problem, but God’s problem is bigger, namely that his plan for the world is thwarted. So God calls Abraham to be the means of rescuing humankind. Then Israel rebels; that’s their problem, but God’s problem is bigger, namely that his plan to rescue humans and thereby the world is thwarted. So God sends Israel-in-person, Jesus the Messiah, to rescue Israel, to perform Israel’s task on behalf of Adam, and Adam’s on behalf of the whole world. He announces God’s kingdom, and is crucified; and this turns out to be God’s answer to the multiple layers of problems, as in the resurrection it appears that death itself has been overcome.以上は、JUSTIFICATION: YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER、JETS 54.1 (March 2011) 49–63.(リンクはこちら)
たまたまネットサーフィングをしていたら次のような記事を見つけた。In his first letter to Frith, dated probably in January 1533, he writes this memorable sentence, which was etched upon my mind and heart long before I became a Bible translator myself. ‘I call God to record,’ he writes, ‘against the day we shall appear before our Lord Jesus, that I never altered one syllable of God’s word against my conscience, nor would do this day, if all that is in earth, whether it be honour, pleasure or riches, might be given me.’
Interpretation of Paul has long been dominated by Lutheran/Protestant theological concerns. Paul has been treated as primarily concerned with narrowly personal religious issues, and critics have often contended that Paul was a conservative regarding social issues.The contributors to this volume deal in original and provocative fashion with several interrelated issues running through Paul's letters and their subsequent interpretation in Christian history. The essays cover several interrelated topics concerning Paul and politics: Paul and the politics of interpretation; Paul and the politics of the Roman Empire; Paul and the politics of Israel (relations of Jews and Gentiles); Paul and the politics of the churches (relations of women and men, slaves and free).栗林が引用しているのライトの論文はNTWrightPageから入手できる。Paul's Gospel and Caesar's Empire(Center of Theological Inquiryでの講義)
In his first letter to Frith, dated probably in January 1533, he writes this memorable sentence, which was etched upon my mind and heart long before I became a Bible translator myself. ‘I call God to record,’ he writes, ‘against the day we shall appear before our Lord Jesus, that I never altered one syllable of God’s word against my conscience, nor would do this day, if all that is in earth, whether it be honour, pleasure or riches, might be given me.’
I would read ANYTHING N.T. Wright wrote. Pamphlet, book, lunch order on a Post-It…everything he does is brilliant.
— John Withumさん (@johnwithum) 2013年6月6日